In August 2023, Indian Railways presented a policy framework to enhance passenger convenience and comfort at railway stations to the Pradhan Mantri Bharatiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana Kendra (PMBJk).
Initially, a list of 50 stations was made for the pilot project, which will start in March this year.
A senior railway official stated, “It has been decided to allocate an additional 61 PMBJKs at locations across the country with pre-fabrication structures at an individual cost of Rs 12.53 lakh.”
Railways aims to provide quality medicines and consumables (Janaushadhi products) at affordable prices to millions of daily visitors and passengers. The scheme facilitates easy access to Jan Aushadhi products to passengers and visitors at railway stations.
“It also enhances wellness and welfare among all sections of society by providing medicines at affordable prices, creating employment opportunities, and generating avenues for entrepreneurs to open PMBJKs,” the official added, reports Business Today.
The scheme provides for PMBJK to have outlets constructed in the operational areas and surrounding areas of the stations for railway operations. These outlets are strategically located to benefit the people coming and going.
The stalls are divided into the respective railway divisions through e-auction. Successful bidders will have to obtain the necessary permissions and licenses to operate a medicine shop, which will comply with all laws for medicine storage.
Successful bidders for PMBJK outlets will have to enter into an agreement with its authorized distributors, the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Bureau of India, and Jan Aushadhi Yojana before commencing operations.