A major train accident occurred in Jalgaon, Maharashtra on Wednesday at 4:42 pm. A rumor spread that the Pushpak Express was on fire at the Pardhade railway station. Panicked passengers jumped off the train—meanwhile, the Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express on the other track crushed many passengers. News agency IANS reported that 8-10 people were crushed to death by the train. About 40 people are injured.
Official sources of the Bhusaval division of Central Railway said that there was a sharp turn at the place where the incident took place. Due to this, the passengers sitting on the other track could not guess the arrival of the train. This was the reason that such a large number of people were crushed by the speeding Karnataka Sampark Kranti. The incident spot is 400 km away from Mumbai.
CPRO of Central Railway Swapnil Neela said, medical relief train has left from Bhusaval. There is no information about the death of any passenger in the accident so far.
Smoke came out of the train’s wheels when the brakes were applied. According to the information, train number 12629 Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express was going from Yeshwantpur to Hazrat Nizamuddin, while Pushpak Express (12533) was going from Lucknow to Mumbai. According to reports, smoke came out of the wheels of Pushpak Express when the brakes were applied, which is why rumors of fire in the train spread. Panicked by this, people jumped out of the coach.
Jalgaon MP Smita Wagh says, we have talked to DRM and Collector. A team of doctors has been sent. I am also reaching there. Initially, it is being said that people jumped from Pushpak Express train after the rumour of fire. Karnataka Express came on the other track.